Set-up in 1988, they started farming organically, a system which they believe offers many common-sense answers to the problems facing agriculture, the food industry and our environment. Organic standards embrace all aspects of the farming system, most especially animal welfare, wildlife conservation and food safety. They believe as strongly now, as they did back then, that for our future health and well being, it is the way forward.
from GrowEatGather
About the farm
Higher Hacknell, nestling in a secluded part of North Devon between Dartmoor and Exmoor is a true mixed farm with cattle, sheep, crops and a cider orchard where chickens peck and wander beneath the trees. The 350 acres are farmed in a traditional way, using rotational methods to prevent pests and disease and provide a clean, healthy grazing system which avoids the use of drugs and antibiotics.
“We think it is important that you know exactly where your meat comes from and how it has been produced” – Tim & Jo Budden, Owners of Higher Hacknell FarmThe farm is mostly grassland, a combination of permanent pasture, whose native grasses and wild plants making it a valuable resource for wildlife, and lush clover rich leys, ideal for the rearing of cattle and sheep. On the better land, we grow barley and peas, so that our animals are fed completely from our farm. This means we don’t rely on imported protein, such as soya, which has to be grown abroad and transported long distances, with a high carbon footprint. The straw provides comfortable bedding and is returned to the land in the form of farmyard manure. We think our traditional system is the perfect example of producing sustainable food in a way which is self sufficient and where everything we grow is used, recycled and put back into the land.